《解決日常衝突》組長手冊(電子版, 繁體字版)Resolving Everyday Conflict Small Group Leader Guide (e-copy, Traditional Chinese Characters)

《解決日常衝突》組長手冊(電子版, 繁體字版)Resolving Everyday Conflict Small Group Leader Guide (e-copy, Traditional Chinese Characters)

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Resolving Everyday Conflict Small Group Leader Guide 

語言:漢語 (繁體字版)




  • 詳細給出了每一講的架構。
  • 詳細列出了組長要做的八個重要事項。
  • 給出了四個重要的方法確保您預備好了每週的帶領。
  • 提供了您需要事先了解的每一講的具體細節。
  • 給您一些在準備過程中需要考慮的其他事項,例如:當討論離題的時候該怎麼辦?如何帶領人歸向基督?





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  3. 如果你覺得課程很好,很想與身邊的人/團隊分享,請你推薦我們的網站,讓他們自己來購買材料。

如果你想更多了解怎麼用中文開課學習,可以聯絡和平使者團隊,尋求協助jk@restoredpeace.com。我們還免費提供教案、PPT 和《如何帶領解決日常衝突》組長培訓,以幫助您有效地帶領小組。

Product: Resolving Everyday Conflict Small Group Leader Guide

Language: Chinese (traditional Chinese characters)

Format: E-copy

Content Description:

This small group leader guide will help you understand the information you need to know in order to lead a Resolving Daily Conflict small group study. This guide includes:

  • The detailed structure of each lesson.
  • A detailed list of eight important things the small group leader should do.
  • Four important suggestions to follow to ensure that you are prepared to lead weekly.
  • The specific details of each lesson that you need to know beforehand.
  • Provide insight into some things to consider during the preparation process, for example:
  • What should you do when the discussion digresses?
  • How do you lead people to Christ?

We highly recommend that you read this leader’s guide before leading a group study.

We also provide additional lesson plans, PPT, and a small group leader’s training to help you lead this study in an effective way. Please contact jk@restoredpeace.com for more information.

Copyright Agreement:

Thank you for purchasing the Resolving Daily Conflict small group leader guide. We hope you can practice the peacemaking principles found in these materials.

In view of intellectual property rights, purchasers need to comply with the following requirements:

  1. The purchaser can only print one copy per purchase.
  2. The purchaser will not print or distribute the electronic version of the Resolving Daily Conflict leader guide for distribution to others or upload it to the Internet.
  3. If you value this material and want to share it with people or teams around you, please recommend our website so they can personally purchase the materials.

If you would like to know more about how to start a small group in Chinese, please contact Peacemaker Ministries’ team for assistance at hello@peacemakerministries.org.